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About us...

Our Small business resides in sunny San Diego, California. All sales support our local small business.

Our mission is to create a healthier training culture for dogs around the world.

Using our patented technology, we aim to make dog owners happier and dog's safer.

Our goal is to replace the "SHOCK COLLAR" Culture with an equally effective and MORE HUMANE training regimen thru Ultrasonic sound and Low Volt Vibration.

  • Sally S. ★★★★★

    Worked on the first try. It makes my dog stop barking immediately. Highly Recommend to anyone who has a difficult time with loud noises.

  • Robert H. ★★★★★

    My girls have never stopped barking after yelling. Now look at them. 10/10 recommend. Stops them every time.

  • Lily P. ★★★★★

    I was suspicious at first since I work at a boarding facility and we have so many dogs around, but it was scary to see how well this bark remote worked. Look at how they all look when you press the button! Price was a little high for me so I was skeptikal at first.... but now I'm convinced that it was 100% worth it. I take it on walks for safety and I bring it on every walk.